Mobile Ministry
For over 50 years, the vision of the Mobile Ministry has been: “To make God’s good news visible in northern Minnesota.” What motivates us is the desire for God’s good news in Jesus Christ to be heard, shared, lived and celebrated.
Where is the Mobile Ministry?
In the northern reaches of Minnesota’s Arrowhead region, bordering Canada, is the land of the Voyageurs. One of the most scenic areas in the United States, this area was named for the Frenchmen who traversed the waterways of the region in their canoes hundreds of years ago. The land of the Voyageurs is one of the last true wilderness areas left in our country and is the home of the Mobile Ministry. Our headquarters are located in Orr, Minnesota, about 250 miles north of the Twin Cities. Crane Lake Chapel & Kabetogama United Methodist Church.
The Mobile Ministry is a mission of the United Methodist Church of Minnesota which serves two congregations in the most northern part of Minnesota as well as the lovely national wilderness area of Voyageurs National Park, where there is no visible church presence.
Cascade's Involvement
I have been involved with Mobile Ministry for many years, serving on the board and doing fund raising bike rides. Cascade also provides financial support to Mobile Ministry. My belief is there are times when you really need to talk to a pastor and that makes Mobile Ministry’s presence so important. For more information on how you can help, please contact me ~ Ed Dallas 218-534-3584.
Cascade confirmed six youth in 2019 and have five youth enrolled in confirmation for 2020. This is an exciting time for the youth to learn about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit on a deeper level. United Methodist use confirmation to mark the first time after their baptism to publicly declare their faith and become a professing member of the local congregation.
Confirmation has traditionally lasted 12-16 weeks and involve classes, retreats, service projects and an educational, fun and spiritually grounded trip. The pastor has the discretion to decide when someone is ready so we do not place an age restriction. The youth must be able to comprehend materials taught in classes and have the ability – with clarity – to act on behalf of their beliefs and faith.
Confirmation is ongoing for 2020. The pandemic has brought things temporarily to a standstill but will hopefully begin in June. Confirmands are responsible for two service projects in the community, two service projects within the church, attend 80% of class time, write a paper on their faith, actively participate in all discussions, work closely with the pastor and respective mentor and have fun on retreats and trips. If you are interested in the United Methodist Church and are interested in confirming please contact the church office at 218-534-3507.
Bible Study
Bible Study meets at the church each Wednesday at noon. Members of the class select the subject and text. Please feel free to bring your lunch or snacks to share. Often there is a video before the discussion begins. We invite you to join us. For more information contact the church office. Future classes will be offered the latter part of 2020 for Biblical Exegesis and home cell group studies.
Sunday School for Children (Ages 6 – 12)
Fun and learning! That’s what the Sunday School Class for children is all about. Not only do they engage in interesting lessons about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also engage in hands on activities to share with parents and the church community. Classes are approximately 30-45 minutes depending on the lesson and activity. Nursery is provided for children younger than six.