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This can be an exciting time for youth to learn about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit on a deeper level.  United Methodists use confirmation to mark the first time after their baptism to publicly declare one's faith and become a professing member of the local congregation.  Confirmation has traditionally lasted 12-16 weeks and involves classes, retreats, and service projects. Although there is no age restriction on when a child may seek confirmation, the youth must be able to comprehend materials taught in classes and have the ability – with clarity – to act on behalf of their beliefs and faith.  If you are interested in the United Methodist Church and are interested in confirming your faith, please contact the church office at 218-534-3507.

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Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School meets every Sunday from 8:45 am - 9:45 am before the church service and is led by Brad Akers. We are currently doing a bible study on the gospel of John by Adam Hamilton. The study includes a centering prayer and music video followed by a short video from Adam Hamilton to focus about the chapter being discussed. This study will conclude on September 29 at which time we will begin a new bible study. Please join us for this very impactful hour. For more information you may contact Brad at: or  Phone: 952-567-9374

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Sunday School for Children (Ages 6 – 12)

Fun and learning! That’s what the Sunday School Class for children is all about. Not only will they engage in interesting lessons about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, but will also have the opportunity to engage in hands-on activities to share with parents and the church community. Classes are approximately 30-45 minutes depending on the lesson and activity. All children of any age are welcome during our worship service. Our pastor has a big voice and can be heard over any noise a child may make. However, nursery space is available where parents may still hear the service if they wish to take their child out.

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